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Corona disease symptoms in detail

Coronavirus‘s disease

Corona disease. It falls under the Coronavirus family, also known as coronavirus contains many different strains of the virus, which are responsible for many different infections, including colds. This virus has caused Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), atypical pneumonia. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), two different types of infection, is caused by two different types of coronavirus polyps. In fact, the first case of acute atypical pneumonia was recorded in China in 2002, while the first case of Middle East Syndrome was recorded a Respiratory in Saudi Arabia in 2012, and it should be noted that the incidence of one of these diseases may lead to death in some cases, but it is not registered any new cases of infection Koruna virus cause of atypical pneumonia since 2004, and the emergence of a new form of corona known as the new coronavirus 2019 or Wuhan virus at the end of 2019.

Coronavirus disease symptoms in detail

The Middle East respiratory syndrome may not be accompanied by any clear symptoms on the person affected, or the symptoms may be limited to symptoms similar to the common cold in some cases, but in other cases, severe symptoms may appear on the person with a respiratory disorder, which may lead to Resorting to the use of the artificial respiratory system, as well as some health complications, such as pneumonia, and the failure of some organs, especially kidney failure. It should be noted that the period between the infection and the onset of symptoms ranges from 2-14 days, and some statistics have shown that most of the deaths due to infection were in people who have a weak immune system, or who suffer One of the chronic diseases and cancer patients. As for the symptoms accompanying the disease, suffering from fever, shortness of breath and coughing are the most common symptoms. Other symptoms that may accompany the disease include the following:

  • Chills.
  • Feeling general pain in the body.
  • Feeling pain in the chest area.
  • Incidence of infection in the throat.
  • Malaise, which is a feeling of general health disorder.
  • Suffering from headaches.
  • Feeling of nausea and vomiting.
  • The incidence of diarrhea.

As for the symptoms associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome, it is similar in its beginning to the symptoms of cold, then it develops to suffer from fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath.

Coronavirus transmission

Since 2012, a number of different causes of respiratory syndrome in the Middle East have been documented in 27 different countries, including some countries outside the Middle East region, such as America, Germany, Malaysia, and Korea, but approximately 80% of cases have been registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia only, and the following is a description of the main transmission methods:

  • From animal to human: Although the ways of transmission of the virus from animals to humans are not clearly known, it is believed that the Arab camel is the main animal capable of carrying the virus and transmitting it to humans, and scientists have been able to isolate the same strain of the virus that causes respiratory syndrome in the Middle East Among the Arab camels in several different countries, such as Egypt, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
  • From person to person: The coronavirus that causes respiratory syndrome in the Middle East does not transmit easily from an infected person to a healthy person, except in cases where direct contact with the infected person occurs, and in fact, most infections occur between family members and health care providers For infected people.

It is noteworthy that he was unable to determine the exact mechanism of transmission of the new 2019 Corona disease recently.

Coronavirus disease prevention

There are a number of methods and tips that can be followed to help prevent infection with the Corona disease, including the following:

  • Make sure to wash your hands well with soap and water, for a period of no less than 20 seconds, and in the event that soap and water are not available, one of the hand sanitizers that contain alcohol should be used, and it should be noted that children should be taught about the correct washing of hands.
  • Avoid touching the mouth and eyes before washing hands thoroughly.
  • Avoid eating foods that are not cooked well, or cooked under unsanitary or hygienic conditions.
  • Make sure to cover the mouth and nose with napkins when sneezing, or coughing, and make sure to dispose of the napkins by throwing them in the place designated.
  • Make sure to wash your vegetables and fruits well before eating them.
  • Avoid direct contact with people with signs of illness.
  • Ensure access to medical care as soon as there are some symptoms that may indicate disease, especially if traveling to one of the countries where the disease is spreading.
  • Notify a health organization if it is suspected that someone has the disease.
  • Ensure that surfaces that are touched or frequently used are sterilized, such as a door handle and toys.
  • Make sure to wash your hands well in case of contact with an animal, especially camels.

Coronavirus disease treatment

In fact, there is no specific treatment for the Corona disease, but rather the focus is on alleviating the symptoms associated with the disease, as scientists have not been able to develop an effective vaccine against the virus that causes the disease, and as mentioned earlier, care must be taken to make the necessary preventive measures to avoid infection and prevent the spread of the disease It is also appropriate for people who suffer from one of the chronic diseases, such as diabetes, kidney failure, diseases of the lungs, and people who have a weak immune system avoid direct contact with animals, especially camels, and avoid eating any of their products that are not well cooked, due to high The risk of disease in these people increases, and the risk of developing serious health complications associated with the disease increases.


  1. “Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus “,,19-2-2018، Retrieved 28-12-2018. Edited.
  2. Shannon Johnson, “SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)”،, Retrieved 30-12-2018. Edited.
  3. Hannah Nichols (19-12-2017), “MERS-CoV: What you need to know”،, Retrieved 28-12-2018. Edited.
  4. “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome”,,13-7-2016، Retrieved 28-12-2018. Edited.
  5. “Severe acute respiratory syndrome”,,16-2-2018، Retrieved 30-12-2018. Edited.
  6. “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome”,, Retrieved 28-12-2018. Edited.